I dunno, if it appears in a charity shop I'd be tempted to buy it and read it. In the spirit of keeping abreast of what the enemy think (or believe they should think).
I get the laudable idea, but how many pages of that writing style do you think you'd last?
I'd also reckon the book will unconsciously tell you more about his character flaws that you're already more than aware of than it will inform you about his 'thinking' (for which, read opportunism and poor impulse control).
I dunno, if it appears in a charity shop I'd be tempted to buy it and read it. In the spirit of keeping abreast of what the enemy think (or believe they should think).
(It's like reading the Grauniad AND The Times or The Telegraph [but never the Daily Mail].)
And then I can burn it so that no-one else reads it.