I thought it was the extra noise on the Following page that's the issue, not email alerts. As I heard it, it is the way, in Wigan, to greet the list of recently updated threads with a joy that is unaffected by personal concerns. Threads are then read in the knowledge that all comments are important, and that replies to a person's own comments will be noticed if that is their destiny. Maintaining this state of equanimity is essential to reaching a plane where responses can be crafted from water that once shared the same jar as the comment they're replying to, so that the orignal commentor can read them and feel satisfied even though there's no "@" and no answer.
I thought it was the extra noise on the Following page that's the issue, not email alerts. As I heard it, it is the way, in Wigan, to greet the list of recently updated threads with a joy that is unaffected by personal concerns. Threads are then read in the knowledge that all comments are important, and that replies to a person's own comments will be noticed if that is their destiny. Maintaining this state of equanimity is essential to reaching a plane where responses can be crafted from water that once shared the same jar as the comment they're replying to, so that the orignal commentor can read them and feel satisfied even though there's no "@" and no answer.
Actual "@" replies fuck this up royally.