Met a new neighbour yesterday, young lad has taken on a plot that 3 successive tenants have failed to tackle, it’s one of the bigguns. If he pushes through the brambles all the way to the back fence he’ll have about 8x18m I reckon. Sadly it’s 80% brambles and 20% scrap metal at the moment. Looks like he’s pulled nearly a skips worth of shit off of it. It’s nuts. Will get some pics next time I’m up. The one thing he’s got in his favour is it’s the first plot from the gate so no distance to transport stuff in/out.
The more I look the less equally sized our plots are, not complaining cos I’ve got a biggie but I know we’re all paying the same and some are as much as double the size of others.
Met a new neighbour yesterday, young lad has taken on a plot that 3 successive tenants have failed to tackle, it’s one of the bigguns. If he pushes through the brambles all the way to the back fence he’ll have about 8x18m I reckon. Sadly it’s 80% brambles and 20% scrap metal at the moment. Looks like he’s pulled nearly a skips worth of shit off of it. It’s nuts. Will get some pics next time I’m up. The one thing he’s got in his favour is it’s the first plot from the gate so no distance to transport stuff in/out.
The more I look the less equally sized our plots are, not complaining cos I’ve got a biggie but I know we’re all paying the same and some are as much as double the size of others.