i'm sure i heard he had the highest expenses bill in the house of commons ... over what period i can't remember though.
surely he could just give it a year before milking the sweet sweet freebies just to allow his party to settle into government without any controversy, without losing his popularity rating, without being seen as a hypocrite, surely that would be more sensible. he'll still get his grift but just play it subtle kier.
to be fair though i'd take a free edwyn collins ticket in a heart beat. and vote for no income tax on billionnaires ... if a billionaire gave it to me.
i'm sure i heard he had the highest expenses bill in the house of commons ... over what period i can't remember though.
surely he could just give it a year before milking the sweet sweet freebies just to allow his party to settle into government without any controversy, without losing his popularity rating, without being seen as a hypocrite, surely that would be more sensible. he'll still get his grift but just play it subtle kier.
to be fair though i'd take a free edwyn collins ticket in a heart beat. and vote for no income tax on billionnaires ... if a billionaire gave it to me.