I had a pair a long time ago. They are fairly robust work boots. Cheap leather and moulded sole.
There's nothing wrong with them for what they are, hard to say if they are worth the price. They are in a bit of a grey area, quite a bit cheaper than bench made boots but more than generic site boots which look fairly similar and cost £40-£80.
I love my blundstones and I’ve had a lot of boots. Up to bespoke hand stitched, gyw, all of it. They fit a nice niche of near sneaker like comfort (but not quite) and reasonably smart. They are about a million miles more comfortable than anything with a solid sole and the sole can be replaced with a bit of effort.
I'll try this here. Are Bludstone worth the £££. I want some boots, this style i suppose, but don't want them to be shite you know.