Yes, I’m a bit worried about the bearings. I tried a normal 24mm rotor bb years ago and it lasted 10 minutes, so don’t really like the thought of one with smaller bearings, nor do I like the thought of spending £100 on a bottom bracket.
I’d be interested if you have a job lot of bsa30 bbs sitting around that you’d offload at less than new prices!
Really I want a 3d24 but they’re impossible to find (bit of a story - I have a 3d24 with q-rings and a pm Ive swapped between bikes for maybe 12 years. I’m tired of swapping, and don’t care about the pm so much, but still want q-rings. I’ve tried q-rings on a non rotor crank and the shifting was crap so inclined to stick with rotor. However you just can’t get a 3d24, but 3d30s are readily available)
Yes. I ran Rotor P2M for years (it's now in my partners road bike).
Couple of things: bearings are smaller and more expensive, Di2 wiring doesn't have a lot of space.
I wore out quite a few so it was a bit spendy. I probably still have some BBs for this setup at home somewhere you could probably use. In the end I paid extra for one of these https://www.sigmasports.com/item/Wheels-Manufacturing/Threaded-To-30mm-Angular-Bearing-Contact-Bottom-Bracket/EM1W which I couldn't use in my partner's bike so she's got even smaller bearings in some pressfit arrangement. I can't remember if we sold this BB or if it's still in a bag somewhere.