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  • FDs are fine. Better range, better chain retention, probably less wear on stuff and more efficient due to better chainline, something to do with your other hand while not applying sunscreen and crashing into potholes, yada yada...

    I've never had any issue with my 7800 FD but the newest cable ones are more finicky. I do not like.

    Di2 is kinda odd initial setup (especially because they have what everything thinks are limit screws, but they aren't and no one reads the manual) but then just works on anything pretty much and I forget about them

  • I love that little bracing grub screw on the newer Shimano FDs!

    An extra bit of hassle during setup, but a vast improvement over the marginal rigidity of a normal braze-on arrangement.

    I realise you're probably referring to the screw on DI2 which works a bit like the barrel adjuster on a mechanical one, but you made me think of it

  • That's the "extra initial setup" I was referring to yeah. That and learning how the "not limit screws" work.


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