Thema 8.32, quite a few that weren't crashed
The engine wasn't really Ferrari, it was Ducati built and had a different crank. Though as a guess the Ferrari service intervals tho the Thema turbo had a 30k km service interval.
The inlets are sort after for putting the real Ferrari engine in to other wierd and wonderfuls. There is one going in to a Lancia Fulvia!
EDIT : Also they weren't very quick, Thema turbos with a few cheap mods were as quick if not quicker.
Nice, always liked the design of them, can't be many left now.
And in the not many left Fiat theme. Saw this Fiat Chroma CHT which how many left says has only 3 left registered, the rest just good for straining pasta now.
Also spotted as clean a Panda 4x4 Sisley as you'll ever see, a Jenson convertible and a 60 year old Ford Corsair.