Good. I think it's the only historic building (well, 1920s, not hyper-historic, but not a bad building at all) that survived the building of the Barbican Estate (apart from assorted ruins). I hope that when the former Museum of London corner is redeveloped, it'll be more sympathetic to Ironmongers' Hall (there have been vague noises towards 'increasing its visibility'). As it is, it's one of the worst examples of context that I know in London.
The extension, which is not listed, was constructed in this shape to fit into the existing constrained site, but I think should really be thought of again within a more holistic partly-surrounding scheme. I don't know whether the Company would have the finance for that, though.
As you might expect, the proposals for the future of the site(s) are even worse than what is there at the moment, as is generally the case with the parlous state of development in London, so I'm not hopeful. There's quite a lot of action around it at the moment, and it's just so interesting that some people want to defend the sort of 'Twentieth Century' architecture that the conservation movement was essentially set up to oppose. They may be right, and it may be hopeless to think that new development would improve it, but this is going to be a long process whatever happens.
Nonetheless, it's one of the most important sites in London right now, and the move of the Museum of London to the West Smithfield site easily the most positive development in London for decades (just about everything else that's happened has been awful, but it's good irrespective of that).
I would hope for a development that doesn't build overbearing façades along London Wall and the A1 and only staggers greater development height behind them, that removes the roundabout entirely (of course, adjoining buildings have been built to that junction shape, e.g. the execrable One London Wall building and the buildings to the west of the junction, but that's not necessarily such a bad thing, as a crossroads there would then have some scope for good public spaces), and that includes a public square outside Ironmongers' Hall, perhaps with the extension rethought. The stuff to the north would remain, but overall the context would improve immeasurably.
Old: Worshipful co of Iron(y)mongers, by Museum of London, London Wall/A1 roundabout.
New: the only thing that reveals this was once a building is this big stone and the surrounding trees
Clue: a saint who was known for turning his back on parties and loose living yet is considered a patron saint of brewers.
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