I was pondering using ismash to replace my pixel 6 battery. Turns out it was knackered due to the battery swelling though rather than just wear so waiting to hear back from Google on that.
They do seem to be Google's official repair company (they are the company that come up for warranty repairs on the google site) so probably the best chance of getting a proper repair with a genuine battery.
I've just done this with my pixel 4a at iSmash. It's the second time I've used them for a battery replacement - first was with a pixel 2 that I gave to my brother and he's still using. I figured I'd try and run the 4a for as long as i can and given that battery life was the only issue it seemed worth trying for the sake of 35 quid *
Customer service was v good. The guy in store took a good look at my phone and warned me that there was a possibility of the screen cracking due to some minor hairline cracks - they have to suction cup the screen off to get to the battery. They won't accept liability if this happens but I thought it worth risking for the price. Fyi if this happens a screen replacement is possible but at £100 probably not worth it imo.
Battery life is noticeably better and definitely worth it imo. I might see if switching to lineage os brings any further improvements.
- If you book the appointments online but don't complete you will be emailed discount codes which knocked 10% off the headline battery replacement price of £40.
- If you book the appointments online but don't complete you will be emailed discount codes which knocked 10% off the headline battery replacement price of £40.
Has anyone managed to successfully prolong the life of one of their Pixel devices by getting the battery changed? If so, do you have a provider to recommend to do it? (Pixel 6A)