I don't drink any soft drinks but people who love diet coke if thats a vice that you pick up to soften the blow of a larger vice then fair enough in my opinion.
Alcohol, like anything in moderation is fine.
I tend to avoid the pre-made protein yoghurts as I find they have quite a lot of ingredients - but if you're in a pinch and want something low calorie to hit that sweet treat craving then they are fine.
Skyr itself is like 1 or 2 ingredients and for weightloss is great.
Alcohol, like anything in moderation is fine.
That's how you build an unhealthy diet, a few ready meals, a bit of chocolate, a few biscuits, a bit of ice cream, a fizzy drink here and there, a glass of wine, a sandwich with crisps and you
have all the calories without having eaten anything.
I do discipline really badly so I have to stick to stuff that is healthy even if I eat too much of it.
Can't do this anymore.
I am a bit surprised at some of the food listed here, overall the lists looks sensible but then there
is some grenade thrown in like diet coke, alcohol or protein yoghurts.
Isn't the latest advice that UPF stuff damages you body's natural regulators to deal with food and causes cravings and other issues?
I have a massive sweet tooth so had to switch my snacking to dates and nuts, I don't limit it in any way.