I sent my Pixel 8 off to get the green screen sorted. Took a week for it to get from the shop to the repair place and about an hour for them to decide it's not repairable and to send me a replacement. A waste of time and a waste of presumably non recyclable electronics. This will be my 4th Pixel (total, my 2nd Pixel 8) but not sure I'm keen on a 5th once this one needs replacing.
I'm waiting for my third Pixel 8 to show up. The green line turned pink yesterday which made for a nice change. Apart from the two dodgy screens it's been a good phone.
I sent my Pixel 8 off to get the green screen sorted. Took a week for it to get from the shop to the repair place and about an hour for them to decide it's not repairable and to send me a replacement. A waste of time and a waste of presumably non recyclable electronics. This will be my 4th Pixel (total, my 2nd Pixel 8) but not sure I'm keen on a 5th once this one needs replacing.