It's not my preference either. It looks OK on the standard paint jobs as it adds a bit of interest. I think the tartan harks back to the original monkeys.
But on this bike the tartan is certainly overkill with the custom paint. I actually wanted a 2022 model in blue but this came up with a full system Yoshimura, a service plan included and a good price, so snapped it up. Picked it up last weekend with only 125 miles on the clock. Which I doubled in the first 3 days.
Really enjoying it and it's the perfect foil for my big(ger) bike. Did my first foray off road tonight.
Just need to find a black seat now...
Anyone got a Monkey?
Anyone with a 2022 Monkey with a plain black seat in good condition want to swap it out for an as new 23/24 tartan seat?