Originally on here as 'unsure what CAAD it is'. I commented, 'google a 1998 sr500 and you get similar things'. Someone else agreed it looks 'remarkably like'. So it may well be - but no-one really knows. Next thing you know it's on ebay as definitely an 1988 sr500 and now back here as the same.
Originally on here as 'unsure what CAAD it is'. I commented, 'google a 1998 sr500 and you get similar things'. Someone else agreed it looks 'remarkably like'. So it may well be - but no-one really knows. Next thing you know it's on ebay as definitely an 1988 sr500 and now back here as the same.
Reminds me of XKCD citogenesis: https://xkcd.com/978/
Not that it really matters, just minor variation, but just seems fair to point out it could be 1987, or an sr1000, or ...