It has a unit converter built in and looks slightly nicer to me.
My work Samsung came sans calculator, I asked IT to allow it in on Google play, but whilst waiting installed the Samsung one from the Samsung app store, then pointed out I can install anything from the Samsung app store, and apparently still can. The Samsung is fine and lacking much bloat, the buttons at the bottom are the wrong way round, Which I guess was the right way round when I used to have an S3 or something, but am 2 pixels deep now and they're wrong again. I don't use the stock launcher on the pixel anyway but Samsung's seems pretty similar to when I have.
It has a unit converter built in and looks slightly nicer to me.
My work Samsung came sans calculator, I asked IT to allow it in on Google play, but whilst waiting installed the Samsung one from the Samsung app store, then pointed out I can install anything from the Samsung app store, and apparently still can. The Samsung is fine and lacking much bloat, the buttons at the bottom are the wrong way round, Which I guess was the right way round when I used to have an S3 or something, but am 2 pixels deep now and they're wrong again. I don't use the stock launcher on the pixel anyway but Samsung's seems pretty similar to when I have.