For doom on a budget, this seems to be a winner:
Pretty much the only time I’ll watch an Andertons video is when it’s Oz doing doom stuff. The Matcha Cream is a tremendous doomy muff style pedal and beat out some very expensive / famous fuzzes.
Much appreciated, great video and that pedal sounds ace, certainly a contender.
I don’t really have the vocabulary to describe tone but it sounds like the Matcha is at the boomier/woofier end of the spectrum(to my ears at least).
I rather like a tighter/brighter fuzz sound, think recent fu manchu, white dog etc as well as the wild scratchy lead sounds like Isiah from earthless gets. A little doom is good but not looking for full blown sludge or chainsaw tones…I know Bob from fu uses a Creepy Fingers which is made by his bandmates company and very much above budget.
Seems all the cheap pedals review fairly well just a case of deciphering which original they’re a copy of.
@RonAsheton yep, I imagine there’s far too many potential variables to give a definitive answer.
Recommend me a cheap first fuzz pedal? Baffling array of choice it seems, especially amongst the little ones on Amazon/reverb etc.
Going into a small tube amp, if there’s just a richness at one end and doom at the other that’d be great.