Heard back from the Met by phone yesterday. They've identified the driver, who has admitted fault (supported by witness statement), and the police are recommending a fine plus driving course. Annoyingly/ironically the call came in (hands free) as I was driving with my family in the car so didn't have chance to have an in-depth conversation. But this feels light given fault admitted plus the additional crime of leaving the scene.
I'm going to pass the info over to my solicitor with regards personal injury and property damage claims but unsure what else can be done with regards the police
One of the drivers that hit & run me here (pretty fucked how many over the years, come to think of it) had to appear in court, was fined £1000 (IIRC), had 6 points added to their license (IIRC) and I was told this would make their insurance fucked because they'd done a hit&run. So, I hope they're still struggling to this day. I never claimed any of the damaged parts but it was almost certainly that crash they caused that ruined my first Kinesis.
Leaving the scene and no points, with witnesses.
What driving courseare they doing?
Sorry if I'm being aggressive, but as a car driver/motorcycle person leaving the scene is a scum bag shite thing to do. Especially after stopping.
Personally id speak to the met requesting the logic as they admit the issue so points and fine.
Leaving the scene of an accident without exchanging details?
@Brain-Stew from experience of dealing with the met, and in cars and motorbike of other drivers leaving the scene, nothing will happen you may get a letter explaining could not trace anyone.
If that happens FOI the Police for the file on your case. To see what they did to try trace the driver as you have a photo of the driver there is no dispute.
Will write up on a computer what to do, basically if the met doesn't do anything you have to look at what you can do to get the police to do their job of identitying and prosecution of the driver.