Took some pics of the moon tonight from the back garden, suing my D500 and a Sigma 100-400mm lens. This is just a single image, slightly adjusted in Affinity Photo. Tried stacking a few images, but they turned out worse.
Been thinking about getting a telescope, but thought i'd have a bash with what i've got before I think about spending more. Will try a milky way shot sometime this week with a fast prime lens maybe.
We're camping on Brownsea Island over the long weekend, so should have some decent dark skies there to try some more.
Took some pics of the moon tonight from the back garden, suing my D500 and a Sigma 100-400mm lens. This is just a single image, slightly adjusted in Affinity Photo. Tried stacking a few images, but they turned out worse.
Been thinking about getting a telescope, but thought i'd have a bash with what i've got before I think about spending more. Will try a milky way shot sometime this week with a fast prime lens maybe.
We're camping on Brownsea Island over the long weekend, so should have some decent dark skies there to try some more.