• Framing using public purse to ensure better pay for service workers (and better services / infrasturcture more generally) as negative is laughably nonserious, when you conveniently fail to note the reason these workers have not received fair pay rises in recent history is chiefly due to failed privatisations / franchises and the culture of down to the bone profiteering that has been endemic in the transport industry ...

    Can't detangle that from the ideological battle the Tories wanted to wage on the public services worker class, particularly in Transport and Health, but I guess that's part of the broader breakdown in public spending over the last 15-20 years.

    Just a casual reminder to say that in this case, a sizeable (useful) amount of "other peoples money" is currently sitting snug in the bank accounts of a number of Corporate Execs and shareholders, amongst other places it shouldn't be.

  • Just a casual reminder to say that in thise case, a sizeable (useful) amount of "other peoples money" is currently sitting snug in the bank accounts of a number of Corporate Execs and shareholders, amongst other places it shouldn't be.


    The banks are made of marble with a guard at every door, the vaults are stuffed with silver that we all sweated for