BMX and Whyte 905 sold on eBay. Still thinking of selling the load 75 as it isn't getting used enough. Something is incoming, but I don't know what. Heart says a Canyon Torque mullet, but not sure it is a practical choice for the riding that is nearby. Transition PBJ maybe a better bet for pump track and Phoenix. Also consideriing stupidly over specced Hellion Xs for the kids, but seems a bit indulgent.
BMX and Whyte 905 sold on eBay. Still thinking of selling the load 75 as it isn't getting used enough. Something is incoming, but I don't know what. Heart says a Canyon Torque mullet, but not sure it is a practical choice for the riding that is nearby. Transition PBJ maybe a better bet for pump track and Phoenix. Also consideriing stupidly over specced Hellion Xs for the kids, but seems a bit indulgent.