Tomorrow I’m going to join our German ebike brethren* and go up the canal path to Toulouse, then continue to Bordeaux. If I were fitter and lighter and it were slightly less hot I’d go north now, to Najac, Cahors and Domme, then across through Bergerac to Bordeaux.
Another trip.
*I have the shimano spd sandals and they’re 2024’s best buy by miles. So ugly, so good. I emailed Quoc to ask them to make a pair. they said they think about it and gave me a 20% off code which was kind.
Fully agree regarding sandals!Dipping my toes in the Baltic would be a bit less funny in click clack cycling shoes.
Spd sandals rule. Including the special tan lines they give you!
Next you’ll try them with socks and experience the forbidden pleasure.
Tomorrow I’m going to join our German ebike brethren* and go up the canal path to Toulouse, then continue to Bordeaux. If I were fitter and lighter and it were slightly less hot I’d go north now, to Najac, Cahors and Domme, then across through Bergerac to Bordeaux.
Another trip.
*I have the shimano spd sandals and they’re 2024’s best buy by miles. So ugly, so good. I emailed Quoc to ask them to make a pair. they said they think about it and gave me a 20% off code which was kind.