Sifn't must.
As for friction... Bugger stupid old downtube or barend levers. It's occurred to me it should be possible to modify Ultrashift Ergos to work as friction levers; there's even the ability to engage both the flipper and the mouse ear at once through part of their travel, allowing for the necessary overshift and subsequent correction in one go; probably fairly easy after a bit of practice.
On that note, I've wanted to have a go on a CVT forever, since before it was a thing. Dunno if NuVinci have got around to doing a proper road shifter for its pull/pull two cable setup, but I thought the above Ergo hack would be the go; ditch the mouse ear as well, and each side can pull one cable.
Yep^ Also
If you must have gears ... Friction yo. Works with everything up to at least 10sp.
It's the future.