Oh God... it's worse than I thought... no wonder it didn't work.
- image/tiff
- image/svg+xml
- image/x-ms-bmp
- image/x-portable-pixmap
- image/x-nikon-nef
- image/x-matroska
That last one sounds like it's a video not an image... most are unsupported by anything, and some are custom.
This is 15 out of the last 50 attachments... but there are some PDFs and other things in there and it doesn't mean a third of images based on the most recent sample.
It just means it's not garbage per se... it's just unsupported by a library that focuses on a tiny number of most common image types.
- image/tiff
Yeah, I'm unsure why that would be, I keep Go and all of the dependencies up to date and so I expect that this would just work.
I started recording dimensions on day one, as most of what you describe is what I wanted to do. I just never had quality in the data to do it.
I wonder if there's an Nginx plugin for image resizing and reporting dimensions... because I could always come up with something convulated that used that, i.e. created thumbnails via an inline request to a reverse proxy, and then reported out the new dimensions, and saved those back to the database for subsequent views.