Yes I have some, pedals themselves seem good and very light. I’ve bought ti crankbros axles, single sided wellgo style spd pedals and now the lollipops and quality, finishing and function of all has been pretty good and stood up to a rider on the heavier side. The lollipop cleats are a bit crap, the grub screw adjustment and the cir-clip are a bit wobbly and unsymmetrical, they are really hard to clip into as the pedal body seems to foul on the bottom of the recess within the cleat before engaging . But my first time using speed play type pedals and they may become easier over time.
Has anyone used the knock off speedplay "lollipop" pedals... https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005397159909.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.13.33aaeGSMeGSMaw&algo_pvid=43034e47-2e31-4eb7-8132-646cbf38ab03&algo_exp_id=43034e47-2e31-4eb7-8132-646cbf38ab03-6&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%2142.51%2136.07%21%21%21376.85%21319.76%21%40211b81a317228838914984099e5350%2112000032897677248%21sea%21UK%210%21ABX&curPageLogUid=XDxLWiEmIR20&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A