Normal...who knows what is normal.
With absolutely no basis, and an sample set of one (me), I think you are going through the fear of making a mistake. Which I understand.
It is noted through my car buying past that I will go as see cars that I like check things am wear rose tinted spectacles.
Personally, if the car is a cambelt engine see when it was last changed and service life if the belt. I like to replace the fluids Inc gearbox and brake fluid. That way, in my head, I feel I have looked over the engine area and looked at the brakes and suspension. Makes me feel better.
Then again I have bought cars for a couple of hundred quid and two days later ragged them on the route national in France and have had a few interesting stories but then make sure you have break down cover.
As for when will it die, at a guess it will die when it is too expensive to fix against value if the car.
It's normal to be super anxious about the purchasing decision you're about to make right?
I'm just waiting for everything and anything to go wrong.
I went to the dealer (in Shoreham), it was a pleasant experience, the car was quiet, the seller pointed out what's being fixed before sale, I was ready to ask a question about the tyres (as they're flagged on the advisory) and that was raised before I asked. Went for a drive, quiet, no weird noises, felt nice, experience felt ok, sale felt none rushed, matched the reviews I'd read, long term car dealer. Noticed two things while driving, horn sounds odd and the inbuilt sat nav started up even though the console didn't raise. Mileage matched up.
It's going to die on me isn't it?