Here’s a carbon whippet I bought 2 springs ago and resprayed, then promptly rode about 5 times. Couple of marks on the paint job but I have the cans I think if you wanted them. Never crashed or dropped and I separated over the roughed original paint job so no harm to the carbon.
It’s a size medium and fit nicely - great stack height. It’s internally routed so SRAM level brakes included, no mech but I’ve left the cabling in place. I did pinch a set of pads from one of the brakes though.
Located in Macclesfield so can meet in central Manchester or have a posted price too.
Here’s a carbon whippet I bought 2 springs ago and resprayed, then promptly rode about 5 times. Couple of marks on the paint job but I have the cans I think if you wanted them. Never crashed or dropped and I separated over the roughed original paint job so no harm to the carbon.
It’s a size medium and fit nicely - great stack height. It’s internally routed so SRAM level brakes included, no mech but I’ve left the cabling in place. I did pinch a set of pads from one of the brakes though.
Located in Macclesfield so can meet in central Manchester or have a posted price too.
£80/£110 posted.
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