My bad knee is feeling a bit squishy so I’ve been doing a few more of miles on this as it’s got gears. Did one of my normal 20 mile road routes this morning via a mate’s house for breakfast. So that’s like 68 miles on this bike this week. Was interested to see this mtb vs roady not waving back at each other thing that was being talked about on another forum. First bike I saw at 7am was a roady waving at me and I almost missed him! Most did not initiate a wave but waved back, until it got a bit later and the group riders were out and most of them did not wave back or even acknowledge. Fun ride though and I enjoyed my merguez sausages, fried potatoes and beans at my mate’s house.
My bad knee is feeling a bit squishy so I’ve been doing a few more of miles on this as it’s got gears. Did one of my normal 20 mile road routes this morning via a mate’s house for breakfast. So that’s like 68 miles on this bike this week. Was interested to see this mtb vs roady not waving back at each other thing that was being talked about on another forum. First bike I saw at 7am was a roady waving at me and I almost missed him! Most did not initiate a wave but waved back, until it got a bit later and the group riders were out and most of them did not wave back or even acknowledge. Fun ride though and I enjoyed my merguez sausages, fried potatoes and beans at my mate’s house.
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