James has poetically hit the nail on the head though hasn't he?
If you don't own it, you don't own it. You have no say. You can't put oury's on a lime bike.
I do love this forum though and the way it brings you into contact with all sorts of people. I don't think I'd have ever run into people genuinely making arguments against private property irl.
All that said I think t-v has a soild point. Like with holiday homes I think people often underestimate what an expensive and restrictive ball ache this sort of thing can be.
Not the point I was addressing. And part of the joy is we have chosen to do this with the land. We could have continued to rent it out to local farmers but made a choice.
If you renovated your home and enjoyed it would you then suggest “ Couldn't far more people enjoy this benefit if it was in the commons rather than behind a large financial and legal barrier”?
We have made lifestyle choices (childless cat ladies if you wish) which gives us access to certain choices of experience. Others make different choices. We want the space to use as we wish, somewhere for nature, ourselves and the it dogs to exist without disturbance and this brings us joy.