• They're the worst for disputes!

    I ordered some magnets to fit in a recess. They delivered the wrong height. The seller's response was the weight of the package weighed the same as the package they sent.

    I sent photos with the magnets in calipers showing they were 5mm when they should have been 3mm or whatever it was.

    They awarded in favour of the seller. As though I'd concocted some audacious 2-4-1 scheme by buying identical magnets in a different length to get a refund.

  • It’s madness. Last time I tried, I had to involve paypal, who still went in favour of aliex because I never returned the item. They wanted me to pay return postage for an item that was defective. I was asking for a return label because the £5 item would cost £35 to send to China.


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