Last few days I’ve nibbled some more at the Level, dropped-in at Shoreham, rolled the mellow bowl at Hampden Park.
Shoreham: I’d totally forgotten how difficult the combi-bowl seems when you’ve been dropping-in on regular coping’d stuff. Can’t believe I used to do it without much of a thought. A few sketchy moments of back wheels skidding (killing all speed) but I need to get back there and do it more regularly otherwise it will be another ten years and I’ll be 70.
There is SO much good crete in East Sussex these days…
Last few days I’ve nibbled some more at the Level, dropped-in at Shoreham, rolled the mellow bowl at Hampden Park.
Shoreham: I’d totally forgotten how difficult the combi-bowl seems when you’ve been dropping-in on regular coping’d stuff. Can’t believe I used to do it without much of a thought. A few sketchy moments of back wheels skidding (killing all speed) but I need to get back there and do it more regularly otherwise it will be another ten years and I’ll be 70.
There is SO much good crete in East Sussex these days…