So I’m not a fan of nickel covers anyway so not something I’ll worry about.
I tried the Player Plus which has the nickel cover, bugged me a bit.
I wouldn’t mind eventually swapping out the pickguard for an aged pearl as the current guard isn’t a great match for the other plastic parts.
I’ll take a proper pic at some point but the size difference is wild. Fingerboard about 6mm wider at the nut.
So I’m not a fan of nickel covers anyway so not something I’ll worry about.
I tried the Player Plus which has the nickel cover, bugged me a bit.
I wouldn’t mind eventually swapping out the pickguard for an aged pearl as the current guard isn’t a great match for the other plastic parts.
I’ll take a proper pic at some point but the size difference is wild. Fingerboard about 6mm wider at the nut.
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