My Battersea(Windsor) dachshund was supposed to have been castrated, at 12 months old, back in January as per the contract I signed with them. I think this is a blanket neutering requirement or any Battersea puppy but my local vet raised an objection to 12 months. They suggested 24 months was far better for dachshunds as testosterone builds muscles and strengthens their back. Battersea were happy with this and will still pay for the procedure with their vet. I think the delay is suggested for females too, again to help strengthen their backs. I think, in general, females should be spayed at 4-5 months old and then the chances of breast cancer are greatly reduced.
Hmm, interesting discussion (neutering/spaying) thanks.
I’m very conflict averse so wouldn’t give grief to the owners of any bitches in heat but it feels like the responsible thing to do.
If it looks like having our dog spayed will prevent him drawing the attention of other complete males then I’ll be all for it, but not until he’s out of his teens.