If your phone was nicked why not find another machine and sign out on all devices?
I guess I'd rather do that than make mail harder to access.
It does mean you need access to another machine pretty quick but probably still viable.
I'd need to go through 2FA to be able to sign out of all devices, and obviously my primary device for 2FA would be the stolen phone. So realistically I wouldn't be able to do that until I got home which could be a while.
@branwen erm, maybe? I tried googling token based login gmail but that didn't throw much up.
Password manager and 2FA apps both have biometrics to open and that's fine for me. Would just like the same with gmail.
How do I get gmail to ask for my fingerprint before opening? Given the widely reported instances of phones being nicked and then banking passwords, etc being changed because they have access to email it seems like an obvious step to be able to protect it with a pin or fingerprint or whatever.