The lads who did our fence spotted the signs of a hedgehog trail and asked us before leaving a gap in one of the gravel boards (easier for us, as we've a bit of a slope where that bit is). Same guys did next door also and did the same thing, so the hedgehogs now have a path all the way down the street -they use it too! Our kids love it.
(I am now being asked by the kids to make a hedgehog house out of old pallets)
On a separate note, I had the fences redone last year. There are gravel boards and it now feels like I've almost hermetically sealed the garden off! While this is great at holding back the hordes of invasive plants the neighbours are ignoring, it's not so good for wildlife, particularly the amphibians I'm hoping to attract to the pond to deal with the slugs next year...
I was thinking of putting couple of 2" blocks of wood between the fence and the gravel board to make a gap for wildlife between the gardens. Would it make more sense just to cut a larger square hole (hedgehog door/tunnel) on either side? I'm mid-terrace, so the likelihood of a hedgehog actually being around to make use of the larger hole feels pretty minimal