Saris don’t recommend using the top hooks on glass or fibreglass boots. They do however make these - https://sportandleisure.com/products/saris-hatch-huggers?variant=42359184064769¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADKtyDCnDfUO2ATDJQYsrMK_bsbT3&gclid=CjwKCAjwnei0BhB-EiwAA2xuBvnFrIZZh5Mk3kLIRibOGVr3qf33K1G85pPuVgUGuezUzBGb5Ydv4xoCuNsQAvD_BwE
Which they recommend as a replacement. There might still be limitations on what you can carry in terms of weight (for instance, I have a saris bones 3, but cos I have a flimsy boot they recommend not carrying more than 2 bikes).
Yet another dredge. What racks are good for a small hatchback with a glass tailgate, like a VW Up?
I want to carry three bikes. My adult bike and two kids bikes which will probably be 20" and 16". The car can't take a tow bar and there's no provision for roof bars on my one. Was looking at the Saris Bones EX3 but according to Halfords it can't be used on my car. Anyone know why? Quite like the idea of a roof-mounted sucker one like the SeaSucker linked above, but none of my bikes have front QR and it'll be a lot more convenient to not have to take the front wheels off each time (especially with kids).