My evil plan is to make a website that creates spoofed GPX files for you. Just plot a route and I'll make something that looks realistic with appropriate amounts of random jitter/missed-turns/etc.
There will be levels of payment with more "features" available as you pay more, e.g.
More realistic speeds taking into account gradients and surfaces (especially for running and cycling)
Pay to add realistic HR plots (based on your previous rides/runs so the HR min/max/etc will roughly match).
Pay more to add realistic cadence (based on gear ratios)
Pay even more to add realistic power for rides (again, based on previous rides, weight, gradient, etc)
All the while I'll watermark the lower order bits of the lat/lon/hr/cadence/etc points it generates so, after 6 months or so, I can tell people like Strava how to detect it and flag them as faked. Then I can charge even more to people (on another site that looks like it is run by someone else) to come up with new fake uploads that aren't detectable. Lather, rinse and repeat for as long as it can go on.
All hosted somewhere dodgy/untraceable with payment in BTC/ETH/XMR.
My evil plan is to make a website that creates spoofed GPX files for you. Just plot a route and I'll make something that looks realistic with appropriate amounts of random jitter/missed-turns/etc.
There will be levels of payment with more "features" available as you pay more, e.g.
All the while I'll watermark the lower order bits of the lat/lon/hr/cadence/etc points it generates so, after 6 months or so, I can tell people like Strava how to detect it and flag them as faked. Then I can charge even more to people (on another site that looks like it is run by someone else) to come up with new fake uploads that aren't detectable. Lather, rinse and repeat for as long as it can go on.
All hosted somewhere dodgy/untraceable with payment in BTC/ETH/XMR.