Ironically, my vas deferens is what I am trying to save! No progeny yet is a factor indeed.
I reckon for some deviants that is considered a pleasure indeed. Brings back early internet memories of liveleak videos of guys hacking away at their genitals. Cannot unsee.
@IrPOWERranger thanks again for the heads-up. Maybe it tipped the mental barrier of maximum amount of manageable side effects but felt a sudden heartburn and trouble swallowing last evening and this morning and got myself some medicine for that from the GP this morning.
Now feeling much better already, less cloudy in the head, balls only a pound each and eating well. Hopefully the ultrasound will be the thrilling sensation as I am promised.
I climbed up the walls giggling out of surprise. Doctor said that was a good sign, if it had been in pain, which was the other possibility, I'ld be in trouble.
No that sounds horrible! My q tip story pales in comparison!
Anybody else some nice medical horror stories preferably involving private parts to lighten up my mood in shared misery?