The police have just been out. They aren’t going to do anything about it at all, which, is not surprising to me.
But we know who did it. And he knows we know because we posted about it on the neighbourhood Faceache page. Including a photo of the bird in the bin.
Mrs EB overheard him talking about it today with the neighbours over the street, pretending he didn’t do it, and saying he didn't care, and making fun of us that do care. His actual words were 'they'll be having a fucking funeral for it next'
Hard to believe there are such complete assholes living in our neighbourhood but there you go.
The police have just been out. They aren’t going to do anything about it at all, which, is not surprising to me.
But we know who did it. And he knows we know because we posted about it on the neighbourhood Faceache page. Including a photo of the bird in the bin.
Mrs EB overheard him talking about it today with the neighbours over the street, pretending he didn’t do it, and saying he didn't care, and making fun of us that do care. His actual words were 'they'll be having a fucking funeral for it next'
Hard to believe there are such complete assholes living in our neighbourhood but there you go.