I would wait until finishing the original trilogy. The stories in the book/film Tales From Earthsea aren't exactly spoilers, but they're a response to (and attempt to make up for) the pronounced internalised misogyny of the earlier books, and make more sense read after them. I loved the trilogy as a child and still do, but even as a kid I found the "Weak as women's magic, wicked as women's magic" stuff odd.
I regret reading the late fourth novel in the series and wish I could forget I had. A good book needs more than regret for past mistakes. "Tales from Earthsea" is a lot better than Tehanu.
I'm currently reading the second Earthsea book, after a long hiatus since reading the first.
My kids are currently having a Studio Ghibli phase and want to watch Tales From Earthsea. Should I delay watching this until I've read the books its a sort of mash-up of?