I get the feeling the Sunak is actually trying to stay on
There are two options; 1. Immediately quit and trigger a leadership election when the party is in full doom spiral, 2. Stay on to manage the transition to a new leader once the dust has settled.
Think he wants to walk away asap, as it's summer in California, but they want him to do the decent thing* and stay longer. Have read they've only managed to get him to commit to end of summer recess at this stage.
Late to this, I've been on me hols.
You can have Rock Bottoms after having a Rock Bottom! Lets hope there's a few more of them to come.
I get the feeling the Sunak is actually trying to stay on ?????? in some form ???? WTACTUALF!!!
Suank the fuck Up that just keeps giving to Labour.
oh and just caught the end of Newsnight tonight, the woman in the pink suit, I don't know her name completely owned Cleverly, with "why are you here?"
A brilliant moment for me. Challenges the BBC's penchant for liking pointless right wing politicans too.