Not great photos, but there was a bit of interest when I brought up home roasting previously. Roasted around 800g of Yirgacheffe for filter and around 400g of some Costa Rican for espresso yesterday. Probably around 90 minutes in total from getting everything out to packing it all away again. 6 x 200g roasts, not the most even roast I've done. But had my first cup this morning (left it a little later than usual to roast and ran out of roasted coffee yesterday afternoon) but the filter is tasting damn lovely.
Not great photos, but there was a bit of interest when I brought up home roasting previously. Roasted around 800g of Yirgacheffe for filter and around 400g of some Costa Rican for espresso yesterday. Probably around 90 minutes in total from getting everything out to packing it all away again. 6 x 200g roasts, not the most even roast I've done. But had my first cup this morning (left it a little later than usual to roast and ran out of roasted coffee yesterday afternoon) but the filter is tasting damn lovely.
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