Here's another piece on the MyLondon web-site for which someone seems to have gone to the scene and taken pictures of the police tape and an officer guarding the crash scene. They also speculate that the damaged bike shown is the crash victim's bike. I should have twigged this earlier and looked on StreetView; it is in fact an abandoned bike that's been there since at least July 2022 (when it was considerably less damaged):
Here's another piece on the MyLondon web-site for which someone seems to have gone to the scene and taken pictures of the police tape and an officer guarding the crash scene. They also speculate that the damaged bike shown is the crash victim's bike. I should have twigged this earlier and looked on StreetView; it is in fact an abandoned bike that's been there since at least July 2022 (when it was considerably less damaged):,-0.0609383,3a,44.8y,271.37h,63.66t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sR0XKmLoLTYR1cBZ7ZdRDwg!2e0!5s20220701T000000!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu
So, nothing to do with this crash at all.
The police tape is in Cannon Street Road south of the junction with Cable Street. I don't think it's possible to conclude anything from that.