The thing is with dogs is that they sense your fear, where I live there's a wee jack russell. Its an old woman who walks it and the wee dog is fine then it gets to you and as ive said peanut is dead friendly but it just becomes a bit of a wee arsehole and tries to go for him.
She's started relaxing and walking the dog off lead and its not even bothered now by him, so I think a lot of the fear was via her and the dog if you see her son very seldomly with it isnt like that.
Another thing, I will say that parks can be the worse, there so many irrespoible dog owns and folk that are on another planet so not always the best place as people always think there dog is good when in reality its not trained and really should be on a lead but they cant see themselves and want to blame others should something happen.
I can only talk about our experience with dogs, we didn't really have anyone to socialise peanut with when we got him but we found one person who he met there dog outside in a neutral location, they got on and now they have play dates where they go to each other houses maybe even just for an hour or 2.
Another thing we do is he goes to daycare 1 day a week for 4 hours and sees other dogs.
Mine isnt totally the same as peanut just loves people but he's scared of things he isnt sure of.
Defo try and get some socialising as that helped him massive and he probs was about the same age as yours.