Moving out and sadly need to shift these boards that I used for a low-level bookcase unit.
DIY minimal job. The boards sourced from E Roberts in Walthamstow, have been hand sawn, glued and clamped to make planks measuring 1400mm x 380mm x 27mm. Untreated and lightly sanded, darkened by the sun in the last three years of use. I have six of these planks. 250>180 GBP
Moving out and sadly need to shift these boards that I used for a low-level bookcase unit.
DIY minimal job. The boards sourced from E Roberts in Walthamstow, have been hand sawn, glued and clamped to make planks measuring 1400mm x 380mm x 27mm. Untreated and lightly sanded, darkened by the sun in the last three years of use. I have six of these planks. 250>180 GBP
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