• #2
I've heard on here in the past as long as it inserts past the seat/top tube cluster by 2 0r 3 cm it will be ok. Personally I think 60mm will be fine if the clamp is at the top
• #3
Pushing it.
Being a steel frame, I guess it's 27.2?
What do you weigh?
• #4
- The insertion limit on '80s Campag seatposts is just under 60mm - I just measured one of my C-Record posts.
- Is there a reason your Syncros post can't be clamped there? Highly unlikely. It's only superlight posts like the Darimo T1 that can only be clamped in certain regions.
- Is it a standard (non-Freuler) seat cluster? As long as the bottom of the post extends at least a few mm beyond the bottom of the top tube, it's fine. Indurain's seatpost on his Freuler-geometry Pinarello was close to the limit and didn't even extend beyond the top tube. It looks as if the seat tube had a reinforcing sleeve that extended all the way to the clamp.
I'd be comfortable to use yours, subject to checking the seatpost and cluster. I'm over 90kg. Been riding older Campag seatposts right on the limit for years.
1 Attachment
- The insertion limit on '80s Campag seatposts is just under 60mm - I just measured one of my C-Record posts.
• #5
26.8! I’m 70kg, 5’9. It’s a 51cm frame
• #6
Clamped at 60mm there would be a good 30-40mm of post below the seat cluster
• #7
You should be right
• #8
I think Thomson publishes a list of all the recommended insertion limits for the varying sizes of seatpost they do, obviously Thomson stuff is good so maybe slightly less depending on how much confidence you have in the quality of the syncros one
I’ve got a nice syncros seatpost that has sadly been cut down to 200mm. I tend to ride with about 140mm of seatpost on display, will 60mm of insertion be enough to be safe?
It’s a steel frame in Columbus Cromor if that helps