my retirement planning is high risk
At least you have a plan, I'm a 41 year old freelancer and have fuck all plan. My wife has a plan so I guess my plan is hoping she doesn't bin me off (also high risk as I'm a twat)
I don't really value money
What's to value, it's a made up token to make people believe there's some sort of fairness in how things are earned. If you can earn enough so you can have a goodife without fucking people over then do it and get out.
If you carry on earning as you are until retirement then happy days but tbh if you cash out a full paid off London gaff there's plenty of places in the UK and abroad you can live out a very happy retirement with that and a basic state pension.
despite earning a lot I do not have savings. I have run a tithe my entire life, and I donate the vast majority of my disposable income, only not doing so occasionally to buy silly toys for myself like bikes, computers, or a telescope. I never claimed to be financially responsible.
my retirement planning is high risk, and involves generating a lot of wealth working in tech via the shares rather than the salary, in as short a time as possible (hoping to earn 30-40 years of retirement money within a decade of work), and selling off some fixed % every year I'm eligible to do so (after this initial one).
if ever I really crunch in the short-term, I'll stop donating to all the things, and will immediately have a decent disposable income.
I don't really value money, perhaps I should've, but I doubt I'll ever regret putting people and the World before myself.
it would be nice to be mortgage free, so I'll take a shot at that.