Fucking love this bike.
Built it just before I had kids, rode it a little bit and then left it standing for a few years while I chased really small people around parks and museums.
Have a new commute and have rewoven biking into my days and absolutely fucking loving it again.
The only part of the build I regret is the rims. Lovely Chris Kings hubs and I should have gone either open pros or hunt rims not this shitty budget halfway house. I think they are DT Swiss or something.
And the puffy tape I have to have because my wrist is made of metal, but other than that... it gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.
Fucking love this bike.
Built it just before I had kids, rode it a little bit and then left it standing for a few years while I chased really small people around parks and museums.
Have a new commute and have rewoven biking into my days and absolutely fucking loving it again.
The only part of the build I regret is the rims. Lovely Chris Kings hubs and I should have gone either open pros or hunt rims not this shitty budget halfway house. I think they are DT Swiss or something.
And the puffy tape I have to have because my wrist is made of metal, but other than that... it gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.
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