Assumed more lefties with ambidextrous traits
This is almost certainly societal pressure no? We live in a right handed world after all.
My parents are a great example of this- both mid 60s but got away with writing left handed at school. My mother worked as a seamstress for years - sewing machines are all set up the same way so no choice there, and at school left handed scissors weren’t a thing. As a result she writes left handed(she’s probably got the nicest handwriting I’ve ever seen a uses an italic fountain pen almost exclusively) but day to day household stuff she’s either fully ambidextrous or right handed if that’s just the way it is.
My dad left school very young apprenticed as a lorry mechanic, so all hand tools. He later became a manager/boss within the transport industry so was never in a position where he had to use his right hand for anything. He can’t do a fucking thing with his right hand. Now he’s retired he’s a blacksmith and his entire workshop(including the guards on chop saws etc) is set up left handed. Oh, he didn’t learn to write properly until he was in his late teens/early 20s when he decided he needed it to be able to advance in life- he also has astonishingly good handwriting and uses a fountain pen. Both my folks place whatever they’re writing on at 45° to the horizon as it stops them smudging the ink while they write.
So yeah, I reckon most lefties have a lot of right hand skills but will vary wildly depending on the life they’ve lead.
Slightly mixed but not really through choice:
Left sided writing, cricket, football, darts, scissors.
Right handed golf, guitar (both rarely used and pretty badly!), no choice for hockey.
Switch between both hands using the mouse at work (to solve shoulder problems).
Can't throw overarm right handed to save my life. Preferred to pass right at rugby.
Can write pretty legibly & quickly right handed.
Always assumed more lefties with ambidextrous traits than right handers?