I've got a Hewlett Packard 107 which is compact and I've yet to change the toner in 3 years. WiFi can occasionally be a bit finicky until I twigged the best way to connect.
This looks like the current equivalent
https://www.hp.com/gb-en/shop/product.aspx?id=7MD66F&opt=B19&sel=PRNB&W laser is definitely the way to go.
HP Laserjet Pro M15w. Matches your spec, very reliable and I've found it trivially easy to set up with desktops, laptops, tablets and phones. Currys are currently selling the 300DW for £80 less than Amazon are selling the M15w, but the M15w is a lot smaller. 13.6"w , 7.5"d, 6.3"h - you can put it on a shallow bookshelf.
what's the go to small but good laser printer for at home b&w only.
(fuck another inkjet and their cartridge nonsense is what i believe is the opinion on here)