Err no. I didn’t want to get searched as I have a few times and it’s never felt like a nice thing.
Mentioned this at work and quite shocked a couple of people said they watch videos/podcasts while driving (on hands free) I’d say that’s way more dangerous but I am in the same boat and I got caught. Phone users while driving really make me mad and it only takes a second to fuck up. I’m going to treat it as a good reminder not to get my phone out while riding tbf
Michele Scarponi
Giacconi reportedly told police that the sun had blinded him and he never saw Scarponi. During the negligent vehicular homicide investigation, however, he was said to admit to investigators that he was watching a video on his smartphone.
Was anything prior to the stop recorded by the police? If it was, it could prove the length of time you looked at the screen. You could ask for that. If you are adamant that's all you did then choose to go to court. The penalty won't be any worse and "as you never wear a watch" and " you didn't want to be late for your shift at the soup kitchen for the homeless" you may be able to prove your innocence.
Are you hinting you were high as well?
There are ways to escape. I'm not an expert but I have a friend who, for speed camera offences, just pretends none of the letters arrive. Prosecuting him becomes impossible because of time limits. Might not work for you if you were given paperwork at the roadside? I don't know. Pls don't take this as advice.
Another way is to go to Court and hope the officer doesn't have time to show up.